1 Classical Sounds of French
2 Classical French Poetry 1
3 Classical French Poetry 2
4 Babatunde Olantunji Drums of Passion
5 Japanese Artist Kabuki
6 Cohen, Leonard Leonard Cohen
7 Classical Espagna
8 Classical Original Sin
9 Jacques Loussier Play Bach 1
10 Jacques Loussier Play Bach 5
11 Don Shirley Trio Don Shirley Trio
12 Bela Bartok Bartok 2,5, and 6
13 Beatles, The Sgt Peppers
14 Aznevour, Charles Charles Aznevour
15 Kids Stuff Advent in Sound & Sp
16 Beatles, The Help
17 Animals, The Most of the Animals
18 Beatles, The Hard Days Night
19 Ball, Kenny Hello Dolly
20 Swingle Singers Swingle Singers
21 Beatles, The Beatles for Sale
22 Muir, Billie Tough Strings
23 Village Stompers Washington Square
24 Village Stompers Taste of Honey
25 Village Stompers Village Stompers
26 Goons Best of the Goons
27 Marty Allan Steve Rossi Hello Dere
28 Ball, Kenny Tribute to Tokyo
29 Ball, Kenny Kenny Ball
30 Armstrong, Louis Louis Armstrong
31 Classical Tchaikovski
32 Strangers The Strangers
33 Vanilla Fudge Vanilla Fudge
34 Paxton, Tom Tom Paxton
35 Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge
36 Chicago Chicago I
37 Santana Santana
38 Santana Caravanserai
39 Bolan, Mark Bolan Boogie
40 Zappa, Frank Hot Rats
41 Chicago Chicago Transit Auth
42 Young, Neil Harvest
43 Classical Hammond Organ
44 Aznevour, Charles Charles Aznevour
45 Biggs, E. Power Holiday for Harpsichord
46 Atwell, Winnifred Winnifred Atwell
47 Deltones, The Deltones
48 Simon, Paul Rhymin Simon
49 Led Zepplin Houses of the Holy
50 Dutch College Dutch Swing College
51 Zappa, Frank Another Band
52 Ravi Shankir Ravi Shankir
53 Kids Stuff Captain Quaver
54 Newman, Randy Randy Newman
55 Joplin, Janis Cosmic Blues
56 Flack, Roberta Roberta Flack
57 Greenbaum, Norman Norman Greenbaum
58 Kids Stuff Nursery Rhymes
59 Ray, Johnny Johnny Ray
60 Classical Beethoven
61 Various Artists Space Oddessy
62 Van Morrison Moon Dance
63 Dooby Bros Toulouse Street
64 Various Artists Music of Noel Coward
65 Jones, Spike Spike Jones
66 Winter, Johnny Johnny Winter Live
67 Winter, Edgar Edgar Winter Group
68 Last, James Beach Party
69 Chase Chase
70 Santana Abraxas
71 Who Meaty Big & Bouncy
72 Who Who Came First
73 Various Artists Souled Out
74 Creedence Clearwater revival Cosmos Factory
75 Segovia Segovia
76 Classical Bartok - I. Stern
77 Blind Faith Blind Faith THIS RECORD IS MISSING
78 Cream Disralie Gears
79 Wakeman, Rick Journey to Centre
80 Ball, Kenny Best of Kenny Ball
81 Band, The After the Flood
82 Beach boys Best of Beach Boys
83 Chicago Chicago V
84 Comedy, Various Don Rickles
85 Comedy, Various Till DeathDo Us Part
86 Armstrong, Louis Louis Armstrong
87 Sinatra, Frank Frank Sinatra
88 Kids Stuff Alphabet Kid
89 Kids Stuff Sesame Street
90 Fifth Dimension Fifth Dimension
91 Rolling Stones Goats Head Soup MISSING
92 Various Artists Clockwork Orange
93 Various Artists Moog
94 Moore Trio, Dudly Dudly Moore Trio
95 Crosby Stills and Nash Crosby Still, Nash
96 Jo Jo Zep Jo Jo Zep
97 Streisand, Barbra Superman
98 Manhatten Trans Manhattan Transfer
99 Cooder, Ry Jazz
100 Various Artists Memories of Steam
101 Silvester, Victor Dance
102 Loved Ones Magic Box
103 Rutles All You Need is Cash
104 Weather Report Weather Report
105 Bulldog Bulldog
106 Bulldog Smasher
107 Steely Dan Gaucho
108 Cooder, Ry Borderline
109 Gallagher, Rory Top Priority
110 Status Quo Whatever You Want
111 Pressure Cooker Pressure Cooker (direct to disk)
112 Steely Dan Aja
113 Cooder, Ry Purple Valley
114 Various Artists 1981 Rocks On
115 Reinhardt, Jango Jango Reinhardt
116 Goodman, Benny Benny Goodman
117 Spanier, Muggsy Muggsy Spanier
118 Portsmouth Sinfonium Portsmouth Sinfonium
119 Manhatten Trans Mecca For Moderns
120 Masters Apprentices Hands of Time Master
121 Sinatra, Frank Collection - F.S.
122 Classical Peter & Wolf Connery
123 Chicago Greatest Hits
124 Classical Keyboard Fire
125 Hall & Oats Voices
126 Corea, Chic Return to Forever
127 Zappa, Frank Zoot Allures
128 Various Artists Hit Wave '81
129 Pasadena Jazz Pasadena Roof Orch.
130 New Harlem New Harlem Live!
131 Various Artists Powderworks
132 Various Artists Match This
133 Burns, Guy Girls in Tassie
134 Morton, Jellyroll Jelly Roll
135 Waterman, Denis Dennis Waterman
136 Fegan, Donald Nightfly
137 Boyd, Liona Guitar
138 Benson, George Other Side Abbey Rd.
139 Ink Spots Sincerely Yours
140 Ted Mulry Gang Disturbing the Peace
141 Raynor, Matt Welcome to my world
142 Abba Abba
143 Brubeck, Dave 25th Anniversary
144 Metzoforte Surprise Surprise
145 Mitchel, Jonie Wild Things Run Free
146 Various Artists Century of Comedy
147 Little Richard Greatest Hits
148 Hampton, Lionel Lionel Hampton
149 Herman, Woodie Woodie Herman
150 Nesmith, Michael Radio Photon
151 Gibbons Band, Steve Street Parade
152 Archer, Robyn A Star Is Torn Archr
153 Humblebums, The The Humblebums
154 Beatles, The Sweet Apple Trax
155 Beatles, The Fifth Amendment
156 Various Artists Rocktrip '82
157 Band, The Rock of Ages
158 Cooper, Alice Killer
159 Cooper, Alice Welcome to my Nightmare
160 Midler, Bette Best of Bette
161 Seger, Bob Live Bullet
162 Cohen, Leonard Love and Hate
163 Supertramp Crisis? What Crisis?
164 Blues Bros Best of Blues Bros
165 Blues Bros Made in America
166 Doors, The L.A. Woman
167 Tycoon Tycoon
168 Wakeman, Rick Six Wives Henry VIII
169 Clark, Stanley Modern Man
170 Meola, Al di Electric Rendezvous
171 Meola, Al di Elegant Gypsy
172 Meola, Al di Casino
173 Clapton, Eric Rainbow Concert
174 Clapton, Eric Another Ticket
175 Crosby Stills and Nash So Far
176 Cooder, Ry Ry Cooder
177 Cayenne An Evening in Jaffa
178 Classical The Tain Horslips
179 Steely Dan Early Years
180 Steely Dan Cant Buy A Thrill
181 Steely Dan Countdown to Ecstacy
182 Steely Dan Pretzel Logic
183 Steely Dan Katy Lied
184 Steely Dan Royal Scam
185 Steely Dan Sun Mountain
186 Steely Dan Walk it Like Talk It
187 Franks, Michael With Crossfire live (direct to disk??)
188 Franks, Michael Art of Tea
189 Franks, Michael Objects of Desire
190 Franks, Michael Burchfield Nines
191 Franks, Michael Tiger in the Rain
192 Spyro Gyra Carnival
193 Spyro Gyra Morning Dance
194 Spyro Gyra Breakout
195 Spyro Gyra Catching the Sun
196 McLaughlin, John Mahavishnu Orchestra
197 McLaughlin, John Adventures in Radioland
198 Joel, Billy Glass Houses
199 Joel, Billy The Bridge
200 Chicago If You Leave me Now

Last Updated on 4/07/2008
By Private